TeachEasy Subscription

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TeachEasy Plus

For users of TeachEasy who want unlimited usage and plus features.

Monthly plan

INR 299 / mo
(3588 /year)

Billed monthly. Cancel anytime.

Yearly plan

INR 249.92 / mo
(2999 /year)

Billed yearly. 2 months for FREE and pay just for 10 months.

Features Free Plus
25+ AI Tools & Growing (Question generator, lesson planning, writing feedback and more!) Limited up-to 100 credits calculated based on tool usage Unlimited
Saved output history, resources, and threads Limited Unlimited
Exclusive early access to new features and premium tools No Yes
Support Community support Email support in 2 daysrt

Why TeachEasy.ai

Built for India: Teacheasy.ai is tailored to meet the specific requirements and challenges faced by educators in India, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in the local context.

Save 10 hours weekly: Streamlines tasks, generate content and do effective planning, freeing up valuable time

Get smarter: Focus on students, not repetitive duties, enhancing your teaching quality.

Save time, reduce stress: Promotes efficiency and a healthier work-life balance

All-in-one Teacher AI solution: Consolidates tools for seamless integration and ease of use.

Customization: Eager to receive feedback and develop personalized tools just for you. Simply write to support@teacheasy.ai support@teacheasy.ai